TITLE: My New Year's Eve Surprise
LOCATION: Nightigre - USA
AGE: 31 - 40
VOTES: 2,453
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Olivia was my first friend, and my first love. Blonde, big blue eyes, slim. She wore glasses and loved cars, movies and tv shows as much as I did. Around the eighth grade, her body developed to grow a huge pair of boobs and nice toned legs. But nobody was after her, as everybody thought she was my girlfriend. The pressure was so big we actually became a couple when we were 15 (she was my first kiss) but we didn't last long. We remained friends.

After high school we took separate ways and lost contact. I was upset, because actually I was deeply in love with her during senior year and kept it a secret. We tried it years before, I was afrais going at ir again would make everything awkward. So when she moved away for college and I did too, I was devaatated for months. The fact that time went by and we had less and less contact every time didn't help.

Here we are, many years later. I am married to gorgeous brunette Lara and just bought a nice apartment thanks to my amazing job. I am lucky and grateful.

Then, I met Olivia again.

Many years has passed, and she was even prettier than I remembered. So beautiful I tried to avoid eye contact and walk around her. Still, we were at the airport and my flight was about to start boarding so I kept the same direction. She noticed me and greeted me from far away. She walked towards me happily. She was still funny and sweet. We quickly found out that we were looking for the same gate.

New year's eve, 7pm. And the flight was changed to January 1st at 7:30 am.

Everyone was complaining and very, very angry. I wanted to complain too, but I was confused to see Olivia was chilling. "There's nothing I can change, isn't it? So I'll just take my free hotel night courtesy and have a good rest." "But it's new year! Don't you have plans?" "I had. But now I don't. Things just change, don't they?" she smiled. She was as weird as when we were younger. "But I don't want to start New Year in a hotel room, alone!" "Then you can change it while it's your future and not your past." she smiled.

We shared a cab to the hotel. Besides her weirdly chill reactions, she was fun to talk with. I was very surprised by her beauty too. I told her I was married, she told me she had been in a two year relationship. We were both happy. We kept it like friends and have a lot of laughs.

Her room was next to mine. I waited for her to unlock her door. "Thanks for the company! I haven't had such a great laugh in a long time" she smiled at me and we hugged. "Me neither. Thank you, Liv."

I went to my room. Talked to my wife on the phone, she was upset and frustrated, but after talking to her for about an hour she finally relaxed and accepted it. When I ended the call I thought of Olivia, and how she was such a peaceful being on adversity. I liked being around her. No stress or drama, just a calm warmth.

I texted her. "Hey, about New Year. I do wanna change the future. Wanna go out and celebrate on our own?"

We went to a club. She looked perfect on a red dress, while I just wore a white short and dark gray pants. We danced and joked all night until midnight. Everybody started kissing. We just stared at each other, smiling. I touched her face and she just stared into my eyes. Then, a new song came in and she opened her eyes and drew an enormous smile. It was "You Spin me Round" by Dead or Alive. I bursted out laughing. We used to goof around with that song in high school all the time! We recreated our stupid choreography and everybody was laughing and applauding at us.

When the song ended, we decided to go back to the hotel. It was getting late and we didn't want to risk not waking up for our flight. The hotel was nearby, so we walked. Talked about our lives, and about the past. Senior year came up. Mentioned my secret crush. She confessed she felt tha same but, because of the same reasons as me, hid it. "You said it, we can't change the past." I laughed. It was a sad laugh. Damn, my life could have been different, I thought.

We were on her room's door again. She wished me a good rest and I did too. Her voice came into my mind again. "...But when the past is done, you can change the future". I took a step forward. Kissed her. Slowly, passionately.

"Making up for past mistakes?" she said when I stopped kissing her. I didn't answer. She grabbed my hand and took me inside her room, quietly.

Seeing her naked brought my back to my teenage years. Guys in school talked about how beautiful would she look like this. I would jerk off every day thinking of her, because she was my friend and that was the furthest I could go. But seeing her there, caressing my naked chest and grabbing my dick to put it inside her. It drove my crazy. I didn't think about my wife. Didn't think about her boyfriend. I thought of her laugh, her conversations. Our years together as friends. The amamzing, fun night I just had. I never thought this would happen. But when it did, I entered in a trance.

I realized I hadn't fucked in love in a long time. I was shocked to realize I was feeling an intense love after just one night. It was like if my love for her that was built for many years was dormant. And hers too.

I could feel it on her body. The way she bounced on my dick over and over again. How her eyes stopped rolling back only to stare into mine. How she had to kiss me passionately after just one stare. "I didn't realize I have missed you so much" she whispered. "I know. It's so weird. But... wow" I replied. She slowly moved front and back with my cock still inside her. She never stopped staring nor caressing my face.

She leaned on me and got her big tits on my mouth. I sucked her nipples slowly aa she grinded me faster every second. I couldn't last any longer, but I noticed she didn't either. I finally shot my cum inside her and I felt her body shaking and her pussy squirting.

We took a rest. Talked more, watched a bit of a movie naked in bed and then went at it again. By our third or fourth round, my alarm went on. It was time to leave.

On the way back to the airport I was shocked about what just happened. The sex was amazing. Olivia drove me crazy. And we were now living in the same city, and definitely were attracted to each other.

But it can't happen again, I told myself. Can't happen never again.